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Global Azure Bootcamp Switzerland is a full day conference about the Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing Platform. It is free (except for the small admin fee of CHF 25.-) and open for everybody to join.

Azure Bootcamp Switzerland is a free community event. Why do I have to pay for the ticket? #

We decided to request a small fee for the ticket for the following reasons.

  • First, free tickets always lead to a high no-show rate where people register for the event and don’t show up. This makes planning really hard and we want to avoid overbooking the venue and sending people home as well as underbooking the venue and not giving out tickets to people who would love to attend the event.
  • Another big issue is catering. We need to place fixed orders for catering during lunchtime and all the breaks. With a high no-show rate all that food would have to be thrown away.

If you can not afford the ticket due to personal circumstances and would still like to attend, just get in touch and we will find a way. Keep in mind that the conference is still a community non-profit conference and any positive financial balance will be invested into future events or donated to our charity partner organisation Powercoders.